Visual Basic Decompiler Online

VB Decompiler is a shareware visual basic decompiler software download filed under programming software and made available by DotFix Software for Windows.

Your program is not packed, but rather compiled as Visual Basic P-code or Visual Basic native code. If it's VB native code, you can use your favorite debugger (OllyDbg, IDA, etc.) to debug it, and IDA to disassemble it. If it's VB P-code, you can use VB Decompiler Pro to disassemble/decompile it. And WKTVBDE to debug it. VB Decompiler Lite is a Visual Basic decompiler and.NET disassembler aimed at analyzing code at fast speed. It includes a powerful engine that decodes instructions to possible Visual Basic commands, allowing you to reconstruct your projects. There are many situations that require the use of such a tool, ranging from misplaced source code to. The intent is to create a retargetable decompiler (i.e. One that can decompile different types of machine code files with modest effort, e.g. X86-windows, sparc-solaris, etc). It was also intended to be highly modular, so that different parts of the decompiler can be replaced with experimental modules.

The review for VB Decompiler has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below.

Visual Basic Decompiler OnlineDecompiler of Visual Basic programs. Decompiling forms, p-code, native codeDecompiler
Visual basic decompiler online download

Decompiler of Visual Basic programs. Decompiling forms, pseudo code (with parse opcodes to standard vb instructions and decompile objects references), disassembling native code procedures (with power Pentium Pro disassembler, supporting MMX and FPU instruction sets), syntax coloring in decompiled code, string reference list and search engine, fast decompiling speed.

If a program was compiled into the native code, restoring full source code from machine instructions is not possible. But VB decompiler can help to analyze the program even in this situation as well. It contains a powerful disassembler and emulator. This powerfull engine try to decode most assembler instructions to most likely VB commands. Of course, it fails on some optimizations of assembler code and sometimes generate not correct instructions. But at this time this is a best way to analyze native code applications.

Visual Basic Decompiler Free

VB Decompiler also decompile all GUI Forms and UserControls presented in file. For technical use decompiler may show offsets of all controls.

Vb6 Decompiler Online

Features and highlights

  • Unpacks packed application (UPX, NSPack and other EXE packers)
  • Disassembles native code procedures
  • Syntax highlighting in decompiled code
  • Save decompiled data to single DB file

VB Decompiler 11.6 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs

DecompileThis download is licensed as shareware for the Windows operating system from programming software and can be used as a free trial until the trial period ends (after an unspecified number of days). The VB Decompiler 11.6 demo is available to all software users as a free download with potential restrictions and is not necessarily the full version of this software.Filed under:Visual basic decompiler online compiler

Visual Basic Decompiler Online Training

  1. VB Decompiler Download
  2. Visual Basic Decompiling Software

Decompile .NET Assemblies

CodeReflect is a standalone decompiler for .NET and allows you to decompile compiled assemblies back to their original source code or as close to it as possible.

CodeReflect is designed to decompile .NET assemblies for the purpose of performance analysis, bug investigation, code familiarisation, validating obfuscation and debugging released code. It is not intended for reverse engineering copyrighted/obfuscated assemblies.


  • Assembly class browsing
  • Decompile .NET code
  • MSIL disassembly view
  • Decompile C# code
  • Decompile VB.NET code
  • Extract embedded resources
  • Hyperlink based navigation
  • Assembly dependency list
  • .NET framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5 & 4.0 support
  • Decompile any .NET assembly that supports reflection
  • Commercially maintained


CodeReflect is provided for FREE, and will always remain free as a gift back to the software development community.

DevExtras is a small team, so help us improve our apps and let us know if you find any bugs/issues that you come across.